Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Well this is the first post, and it's not really entertaining, informative, or even really funny but I need to get something up here to take up space while I figure the next one out.

So a little about me, I'm a 28 year old male who likes to run, Or rather i used running as a way to relax, escape work and to explore. I like to call myself a marathoner, but I'm not very fast, still I want to qualify for Boston. While running I also travel for work, all over the US and on a weekly basis, leading to the title of a traveling runner. I run and I travel, simple..

In future posts I'm going to put routes up, or links to routes, times, my own training schedule, race thoughts and tricks I've found out during my travels in case anyone else ends up in the same spot.

-the first mile always hurts the most...

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