Monday, January 24, 2011

On the road againn, on the road again

Unfortunately I didn't get out for any good runs the last time I was traveling a week ago. It's a great trip to the Adirondacks to visit, great in the summer, but being the genius I am, I went in the winter. Ok it was for pre-marital counseling, and really was the only time to go but I still hoped to get a good run in. One of my favorite runs is this one here.
The Run isn't too bad minus the hill as shown by the elevation map below
You start on a ridge with a great view of the Valley below and then you can either go down the easy hill to start with the epic steep climb at the end. Or you can do the Epic drop to start, and then a nice slow rising climb for the last mile of the's your choice, but 200 feet of elevation change makes it interesting.

I'll call this one Decisions

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Vibram Five Fingers

So i caved in to my primal Caveman instincts and got a pair of Vibram Five Fingers of AWESOME! OK the awesome was a blatant rip off of Jack Black but it fits because they are awesome.

My friend rob, otherwise known as @rvetere on the Twitter, yes it deserves a preceding "The", introduced me to them about a year ago, and I was hesitant. He raved about them for working out, walking and just relaxing on the weekend. He also mentioned that one of his friends who did iron man's swore by them as well. I was hesitant. I mean I'm a big boy and these shoes had zero extra padding so my knees instantly cried out Nooooooo....

So I waited, and waited until this year over the Holiday the soon to be inlaws surprised me with a pair, surprisingly looking just like the ones to the right. Since it was a gift i figured what the hell so went for a run, my first run, last night. It was great, I mean awesome, and amazing. My legs were jelly today, no knee pain, just a little in my left ankle from when i busted it up last year but wow. I loved it. I'll rave more as I add the distance and might move on from the KSO's, but right now, they rock

Thursday, January 13, 2011

The winter blues

Winter is back again, with a vengeance. Thankfully I'm not kicking it in Atlanta because this would be me...
I don't know who made it but I'll pass credit to my friend Katie here on facebook for posting. I wouldn't be the drive,r, but rather the dude with the gym bag laughing at the driver and stopping to help, or maybe just standing around and taking the picture then walking off laughing. Depends on the day

But really, it's winter, I love snow, skiing but hate the early sundowns. Being that I work 8 to 6 or somewhere in there, its tough to get some of the Vitamin D needed, or even seeing the sun enough to not get all blah, for lack of a better word. Blaaah really is the word, I'm lethargic, cranky, ornery and just damn lazy. Drinking only sometimes work....might need to drink more, makes me go hmmm.
But really I'll be trying to break my funk, starting with the lunchtime runs moving outside. Ok, let's cage that "outside" running by saying I'll run outside at lunch when we don't have a North wind coming across the runway at 15 knots, because damn that's cold.