Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Back down in Texas

Hey everyone, so this one's not going to have a route posted. Tomorrow I should have a decent one as I'm planning on going for distance here in corpus, looking at 10 miles or so.

The post today though will be about one of the best days, New Shoes Day. Everyone knows new shoes day, its the day you get new shoes and have to break them in. Mine occurs about every 2-3 months, or around 400-450 miles of running. The main indicator i use is when my knees start to twinge a bit, the shoes are hosed. I'm wondering what everyone else uses to tell them they need new shoes?

In case anyone cares, i run in the Asics Kayano, whatever the version is but i like the 15 better than the 14.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Benchmark Run

Hey all! I meant to post this run two days ago when I ran it but got sidetracked traveling back to NY and then back down to Texas. The life of a traveler, the only problem was my knees were a little stiff today during the six miler I've started using as my basis here in corpus, for reference here's the 6 miler.

But the real one I wanted to pose was what I call my benchmark run. It's a simple 5k, or close enough to a 5k, with a good amount of elevation change, that I use to see where I am in my training. My best time on this was when i was 18 and I ran it in just under 18 minutes. Now, ten years later my time was 21:30, so I'm a little off from my teenage years.. It starts off at my house in CT, and here it is, my Benchmark Run

Friday, September 4, 2009

Hey all, I'm back again after a little bit of travel where I didn't have a reliable connection. Also my French is horrible, so most of the time I just ran until i got tired and tried to find my way back to the hotel.

To kick off the new season, I've got a run here in South Windsor CT, starting out at my parents house and shooting down Dart Hill road. It's a nice start as the run then flattens out before taking a turn uphill. The total elevation change is about 200 ft after a nice downhill start. On the downside the road does narrow at points and gets a little choppy but its worth it.
Happy Trails