Monday, November 12, 2012

My other blog

So I have another blog, and I'm going to do a shameless plug in this bear with me. One of my passions is energy, specifically green energy and distributed/localized power generation...and I don't currently work in that industry. In order to keep myself active and up to date on the topics I keep a blog up at called Green Energy Thoughts. As time goes on I plan to talk about issues associated with wind energy, fuel cells, solar etc and will probably even put some information derived from the models I make on the side for fun(yes huge nerd).

But take a look and let me know if you have any interests, or topics you'd like to hear about as I have ~10 years experience in Fuel Cells, Geothermal, Solar, battery tech and then grid analysis and load based power modeling!

The latter, load based power modeling, is how i came up with a lot of my runs back in the day as I was able to travel to some great(and not so great) locations. happy trails

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