Thursday, November 15, 2012

Cold Weather Gear is coming out

So it's that great time of year again...not time to break out the shorts, but time to break out the sweats, long sleeve shirts and cold gear. Each time I pull all the gear out I take a long look...go for a run on a treadmill...and realize freezing my butt off is much much better.

I mean I've reviewed treadmills, even though I swear there are only 2-3 commercial variants out there, and have zero interest in a home unit. But each time I run on one, I feel weird. I can do sprints but if I'm stuck indoors I prefer to throw the bike up on my trainer, the good ole Green Machine as I call it. Technically its the Kinetic, but for a fluid trainer its solid. I know purists prefer the fan one b/c the response is more realistic on acceleration and deceleration, but I'm not a purist, nor a professional so this is perfect for me. The big advantage is that i can throw the arm rests on the bike...and play on my ps3 while biking to keep it from being too boring(highly recommend getting a pair).

Otherwise, time to head outside, break out the cold weather gear and try to avoid getting run over by a reindeer.

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