Friday, April 6, 2012

Rumor had it oprah had a house here...

In Venice, Florida. Rumor had it there was an 8 lot wide mansion, gorgeous one on the road I'm staying on here in Florida. Being the enterprising runner I am, I decided to run and find it....sounds harder than it was. I mean it's a single road along the wasn't like i was digging around. Best bet I had, or information was it was the house below..of course this is rumor and conjecture, but the house is gorgeous to run by, so I'll say mission accomplished, then again there's no record and this may be someone else's house here, but heck i wanted a good run and found one here on Casey key.

Either way I ran 2200 numbers on the road, for about 4.5 miles, got some sun and had a great run along the beachfront road. Only caution to anyone is the corners are blind and a little overgrown so watch yourself running!

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