Friday, April 27, 2012

Homewood Suites 4 miler

Route from my run this past week, I didn't have time to put it up, it's a nice run, but a lot of hills.

Location is Carlsbad, California

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Wildewood 6'er

So here's the run from yesterday, minus the part where I show where I live down here. In total it's a little over 7 miles, but I'll use the Wildewood 6 as the title. It's a nice, relatively easy run with some rolling hills. Total elevation change is about 50 feet total giving some nice little rollers to spring up if you want to push it.

There is no sidewalk, but they have wide bike lanes on one side of the road with the only complaint being the random spots you need to cross the road, but they have pedestrian signs and everyone stops. Plenty of scenery, other runners and shade so you can ditch the hat if so inclined.

Importantly, there is a bathroom at the park in the middle, just run into the parking lot and it's in the second lot on your right. Not that anyone ever needs to hit the bathroom while running....of course not.

Happy Trails

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Running Group in California, MD

So I'm trying to find some people to run with down here. I know there are plenty of runners because I see a ton on base((PAXR), and even more in the neighborhood of Wildwood where I live. So who is out there? Please comment, or message if interested. Let's see who's interested, signs may even be posted to get this going y'all.

Also, there's a great field, that's groomed and really needs a game of kickball, who's in?

The Plants, or at least what's still alive

So I'm kinda a farmer/gardener, not really sure which...but one of the two, meaning I have a plant collection. Most of which are not native to the area I live in. So i decided to throw a blog together with pictures of what's alive right now. I say alive right now b/c I've killed two redwoods and 2 olive trees and 7 stone pines failed to take so far, but I'm keeping some alive.

The first, my stone pine, germinated from seed, shown to the right. It's about 7 inches tall right now and growing at an inch a month, so I think/hope it's going to make it. Originally I had 8 seeds and 6 germinated, but only one survived. Shall see

The next is the Yoshino Cherry Tree, shown to the left. This one's only a few weeks old..and in an enormous pot. I got it as a gift from some friends who know my addiction. They decided to get me a plant/tree that actually grows natively in my area. Unlike the stone pine(but it can easily) and the olive tree(will  never grow outside). It started with 2 buds, and is up to a solid 3 with the lowest growing well. Hoping for it to take an blossom next year so I can get the full cherry tree effect.

Up next are the two Kiwi's, arctic male and one female b/c you need to have two in order for them to flower and bear fruit. Both are more than kicking right now, actually going semi crazy. So thinking these will work out pretty well. They're also actually suited for the region, so less care is needed.

Lastly is the pride, or hopefully the pride of my collection. The Spanish(or Italian) Olive tree. Green olive's will be the outcome, eventually, and hopefully. I've adjusted the soil to be slightly alkaline, balanced the water inlet and it gets plenty of filtered sunlight. So hopefully it makes it, unlike the other two. Regardless this will be my last olive tree attempt for a few months if it doesn't...but really hope it pans.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

New shoes time

Been a die hard Asics Kayano wearer for years, and it's about time to get a new pair of shoes. New shoe time also means my knees hurt when running in them b/c I  don't want a speed run in the Vibrams. Debating going for the 18's, does anyone have a review?

Either way i have 10 miles in my future this weekend so need to get a new pair. Sub 4 hr marathon here I come!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Rumor had it oprah had a house here...

In Venice, Florida. Rumor had it there was an 8 lot wide mansion, gorgeous one on the road I'm staying on here in Florida. Being the enterprising runner I am, I decided to run and find it....sounds harder than it was. I mean it's a single road along the wasn't like i was digging around. Best bet I had, or information was it was the house below..of course this is rumor and conjecture, but the house is gorgeous to run by, so I'll say mission accomplished, then again there's no record and this may be someone else's house here, but heck i wanted a good run and found one here on Casey key.

Either way I ran 2200 numbers on the road, for about 4.5 miles, got some sun and had a great run along the beachfront road. Only caution to anyone is the corners are blind and a little overgrown so watch yourself running!