Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Senator Ben Cardin - part two

So after I found out about Senator Cardin, a friend sent me this link from ArsTechnica showing the senator withdrawing support for PiPa, one of 2 Democrats to do so. So kudos to him for showing he would move beyond the campaign contributions given by News Corp, Sony, Comcast and Walt Disney.

So thank you senator Cardin for supporting your constituents and not just campaign contributions, now time to see where the other senator for Maryland sits on this bill.

Senator Ben Cardin - SOPA supporter/sponsor?

Not two weeks ago I sent a kudos out on Senator Ben Cardin for opposing the NDAA this year, not one month ago did this happen on Twitter, he stood his ground and voted for the Freedoms that make America Great, ie no indefinite detention of American Citizens. So I felt good about the guy and the senator for my state. Now I'm having second thoughts because he is a sponsor of PiPA

In the long run, the indefinite detention of American Citizens is much worse than SOPA/PiPa, but not by much because it really has no purpose but to pander to the MPAA, RIAA and the drug companies. It won't stop piracy, nor really do anything but allow for court orders and the attorney general to pull down websites on the 'suspicion' of piracy. The suspicion then doesn't compensate for website losses, potential losses or for real supporting data, evidence or a trial. Basically the NDAA goes after people for imprisonment and SOPA goes after websites in the same manner. This is especially confusing for a Maryland Senator because there isn't a strong movie, music or drug industry in the state.

So what it comes down to is I believe Senator Cardin needs to explain why, and not in a press release, does he think this is good for Maryland Voters. Why would our Senator become involved in a technically inaccurate and poorly written bill that allows for egregious violations of the first amendment on the whim of a corporation, especially one who's numbers have been thoroughly debunked by the GAO with the writeup by Kevin Fogarty on the actual costs

The one bit that strikes me most from the press release is the following

"remaining a cosponsor of the bill provides me the opportunity to be an active participant in the process of addressing the most serious concerns raised by my constituents"

I fail to see how anything in this bill helps the state of Maryland, his constituents or anyone other than old school big business which doesn't evolve, change or evolve and wants to maintain their monopoly on entertainment instead of changing.

I'm looking for advice, or thoughts on what to do. I plan on writing and depending on how this plays out either supporting Senator Cardin in the next election due to his stance on NDAA and changes to PiPA, otherwise his actions will have me supporting his opponent, and contributing $100 since it appears politicians only respond to who gives them money, not their constituents.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


A rehash on the last post, this bill will change the way the internet functions and Congress is so far in bed with Lobbyists and Boosters that it doesn't matter what is good for anyone other than their campaign contributions. Most of the sponsors do not understand how the internet works and the primary sponsor probably can't comprehend the engineering or how to wire his computer to a wall... but still feel they can stifle innovation

Wikipedia is going blank, support them and everyone else who goes blank in protest, remember that GoDaddy supported the Bill and needs to be run out of business as does hollywood and anyone else voicing their support and money. This is America, stand up and make your voice heard...and vote out anyone who has voiced support...we're looking at you Texas(Lamar Smith) for electing the Congressman who wrote this POS and Harry Reid of Nevada for PIPA. So support wikipedia, support lolcats, reddit, Google, Yahoo for leaving the Chamber of Commerce and the other 7,000 websites that are going to shut down, and shun those that stay open. For a protest to work everyone needs to participate, and those that don't should be punished by losing money and most importantly change our government.

Great writeup of what isn't getting done while this highly technical, probably unconstitutional and business crushing bill

Stop SOPA Strike:

Just remember the first line of SOPA is basically a lie, 'To promote prosperity, creativity, entrepreneurship, and innovation by combating the theft of U.S. property, and for other purposes.' and instead should read, 'To support the outdated, cartel based, monopolistic tendencies of the RIAA, MPAA and other industries that have continuously stifled innovation...That's who this bill is for, not the American People, not the average Joe, not the entrepreneur, but for special interests n Hollywood and the music industry.

Friday, January 13, 2012


No need to say anymore than the title suggests but for everyone on twitter go here BlackoutSopa. That's all thats needed. We all know our distinguished representatives are full of crap and won't listen but the effort vote against every incumbent and go to and change your twitter icon

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Round dumbells


Was doing box jumps today and one was on a bench next to me...decided to roll off and crunch my big toe. All 25 lbs onto a big left toe. Ouch

Waited about 1 minute then continued on the workout, def need to get rid of the 25 lbers that are round in the gym though

Monday, January 9, 2012

New York Marathon 2012

Guess who finally got into the NYC marathon? This guy...and I have 2 thumbs...

Ohh yeah, now i need to get a sub 4 hour marathon, NYC is appropriate for it! Booyah

Saturday, January 7, 2012


Ever have that run where you feel like nothing works? I did today, went for an easy 5 miles, ended up at 4.15 b/c I had nothing left...The legs felt weird, I relaced my shoes a bunch b/c i felt like i was getting shin splints, the shoes felt heavy, my ankles hurt...

I felt old..not fast old, but old old...and slow.

Need to fix that, but sprints and X-fit tomorrow, BRING IT

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Gym Pact

has anyone used this yet? Interesting concept, and the business model seems to rely on complete honesty right now, but there definitely is potential once they get the user base up.. thoughts?

Gym-Pact is the website

Concept 2 Rower Review

Not sure who else out there uses a rower, but I say the best new item is a trash can to come with the rower b/c every time I'm on it, I feel like I'm gonna lose my it's a great workout item.

The rower itself is at the work gym in my primary posting because we're so far onto base that it takes forever to get to the drill hall. I believe it's the Concept 2 D, but that's by picture only, so I may be wrong, but it's definitely a concept 2.

The system is pretty simple, adjustable foot straps and positioning for your heels, and a simple lever to adjust the difficulty level. The lever is there, but i always just put it to level 10...and row as hard as I can until i drop, or attempt up downs, so I can't attest to how well it adjusts the resistance, but I assume well.
The display is a intuitive and being that I've never seen an instruction manual I can figure out how to change the units, tracking settings and work til I drop. Most importantly for me though is it works. The only negative i have is that if you're wearing a longer shirt that is not tucked in, you can sometimes get it caught on your back stroke, but that's normal from what I've been told.

Pro's: Easy to use, functional, kicks my butt
Con's: None that I've seen but i have no idea how much it costs...

I mix it with sprints and some X-fit items, but my favorite is as follows(if you like to hurt), but warm up the hamstrings first
250m Row
1/4 mile
250m Row
1/4 mile
500m Row
1/2 mile
250m Row
100m sprint
You should hurt, either that or I'm in horrible shape. Either way it feels god.

Monday, January 2, 2012

2012 Goals

Quick and easy here are my goals for 2012
1) sub 4 hour marathon, I want a 3:30, but will go for a sub 4 hr
2) maintain a 7 min/mile pace for a 10k
3) 20 consecutive pull-ups, somehow for all my upper body strength i cannot do pullups, 150 push-ups...easy, 5 pull-ups..not so much
4) Abs...the six pack became a keg this last year
*picture totally stolen from