Thursday, June 17, 2010

Collection Of my Local Routes

Hey there fellow runners, so I've become a Cyclist as well as a runner now so there will be a new feature when i have some sort of knowledge on what I'm doing when biking. For those curious, this is my new bike a Felt Z6 and I LOVE IT! Smooth ride, but this is to post some of my local routes here in Waldorf.

From shortest to longest, these are part of my regular staple runs when I need a day off or a light run with the last being my base run most of the time. For anyone curious, Dorchester is a neighborhood loop nearby about a mile long.
TSID - To School Inner Dorchester
It's a nice little run, about 3.6 miles, low on hills and has a path the whole way
TSOD - To School Outer Dorchester This one is best described as when I feel okay around the 3 mile mark, and want to push another mile out of the route even though its an off day.
Loop Run Eventually this will be my standard daily run, when I get back in shape here.

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