Saturday, September 4, 2010

Injury Time

So other than never updating my blog, which will change, hopefully. I've busted my left ankle up again. So I've been on injury time and since I've stopped traveling as much due to a job change I'm going to rebrand this somehow. Adding in some more routes, maybe some biking and go into a few more reviews. Not sure

Onto healing. I'm pretty sure I gave myself a nice Class III sprain because its been weeks and i still have problems running(ok jogging or fast walking) let alone really going out for the 10 to 15 milers i need to be with the MCM coming up. So thoughts on healing?

So far the standard RICE has been used, along with anti-inflamatories, WoeBenyzne and the fish oil, all to some varying degrees of success, I think. Anyone else have thoughts?

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