Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Grok Sprints

Since I'm stuck on a treadmill here, due to the excellent(sic) location here at night, I've been getting creative in the runs, mainly to make it interesting. As I've said before, needlessly, running on a treadmill gets boring. This all brings me to tonights workout, sprints...barefoot. I figure even though its on a treadmill, I can still call them Grok Sprints in spirit.

The workout's pretty simple, I do a minute at 4 mph, then the next at 10mph; one at 4 then one at 10.5, ramping to the max speed. Following that, I just go until I'm tired and feel like I'm done. Pretty simple, but it turned into a solid 30 minute workout, 3.2 miles down and its great.

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