Friday, October 23, 2009

Posting to Post

So I've been gone a little while and unfortunately its because I haven't run any new routes in a bit. It's been a stretch of recovery runs, combined with lighter(3-5 milers) while I change my diet over to something a little healthier than "whatever is available". I'm moving towards the primal diet as championed in the blog, Mark's Daily Apple and it seems to be going well, but the shift off dense carbs while running hard hasn't been conducive to me staying awake during the workday so I've been fiddling with the details and trying to get everything balanced before kicking it to high gear again in a week or so.

On other news I'm moving to the Waldorf Maryland area so there will be new routes coming in from that area over the next week, and my next jobsite is in Green River Wyoming so I'm looking at running snowshoes. I figure it's cold, mountainous and snows all the time so running shoes might not cut it.

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