Hello y'all, I run on a wheel..but I'm a lot less fuzzy than my buddy over to the right here. Also technically I'm on the outside of the wheel but hey, details smetails. It's not by choice I'm on it this much, but more by location and the random hours I end up working by being on the road all the time. Being that it's a frequent occurrence I've come up with a few methods to survive a long run on the wheel of PAIN(ok boredom).
- Do not use headphones, unless you don't sweat. Being that you're indoors they'll fuzz up and slip off, destroying your mojo. Most hotels have a radio now that works with an iPod or other mp3 player, just take the whole radio down with you.
- TV, always put it on, I also jealously guard the remote because I'm too antsy and like to change the channels frequently, to try and fool myself into new scenery.
- Towels, always bring one...worst case it gives you something to play with.
- Something to read, during any runs on the wheel over 50 minutes i need a break so I'll bring a magazine to read for a bit while walking in order to break the monotony.
- Always wear proper gear, no one wants to run with a fat sweaty guy on the wheel next to them, I usually am that fat sweaty guy.
- Don't be lazy, set the rise at 0.5% min, and raise and lower it as you want, you're not outdoors, so make it a challenge.
- My Hotel Brands Rankings for treadmill quality, if you have a choice...Hilton, Holiday Inn, Hyatt, Marriott
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