Thursday, April 22, 2010

Hotel Crossfit

Hey there everyone, hope its been a good week of running or training for y'all. As the title suggests I'm going to be adding a component to my blog here.
Why? Mainly because I needed something to complement my running in order to achieve better fitness. That and the CrossFit routines tend to fit my lifestyle; short, high intensity workouts meant to bring humanity back to its incredibly fit roots. It also fits the hotel situation because I think I can get away with just having a kettle bell here with me and then I should be able to use stuff that's lying around.

Today's workout is as follows, 3 sets in the following order with reps
Burpees 9 - 6 -6
KB Swings 19-16-12
Couch Jumps 12-6-6
Push ups 20-20-10

Now as you can see I suck at Burpees, just not that flexible and quick so I'm hoping this new routine can help fix that. Happy Training

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