Monday, March 4, 2013

Sequester Day 3

Traffic getting on base was epic. Traffic backup was a solid mile for the main gate and 1/2 mile for the others. Guess that's the sequester effect, long lines. We did learn something from the TSA afterall!

still no zombies or raving hordes of unemployed. Starting to get disappointed, maybe a snowstorm will fix it

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Sequester day 2

No zombies, or raging hordes of unemployed yet. But I do think they turned down the greenhouse gas machine because its gotten colder out the past few days...60's last weekend was solid.

Still no idea on what the end result is, but SNL had a good skit on it last night and both political parties are blaming the other. It's really like two bums pointing at the puddle of urine the other left next to your car. Both are blaming the other and forgetting that they're both still bums and both just owed on your car.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

So Sequestration has started... Day 1

Sequestration started and the Obama signed the cuts notice...I was prepared for roving hordes of unemployed, all 170,000,000 of them according to Maxine Waters  but instead all I got ravaging my neighborhood was a spotted black cat, digging in the garden. Thorough disappointment, I'm going to save my wooden stakes though because Zombie Hordes are just the word brains away from raving hordes of unemployed.

Since we've been sequestered i have a 20% pay cut to look forward too, guess that means I'm going to have to sell my government issue gold plated toilet, I mean I might have to downgrade to a regular heated toilet here. The HORROR.

Even though I'm sequestered I will rest assured knowing that we are still giving billions to the following countries and organizations, solely focused on making us safer.
DHS: $43,200,000,000 -> Enhanced patdowns!
Pakistan: $1,071,300,000 -> do they produce anything?
Egypt: $1,500,000,000 -> MORE PYRAMIDS!
Farmers to Not Farm: $2,000,000,000 -> the derp is strong

I think on day 2 of the sequester I will experiment with less cynicism and hopefully more zombies