Monday, November 21, 2011


Such a simple word squat, then repeated, becomes squats...but that repetitive action to pluralize the word squat brings ohh so much pain...and pleasure. So call me a masochist but damn i love squat and legs day. No other day whups me nearly as well in such a short period of time.
Today I meant to do bar squats but being that I'm in the dungeon gym, non were available...even though there was a girl doing a set of squats on one rack. While the form was good the guy on the bench behind her was grinning like a i doubt he was commenting on her form. I'd say the form was a 9...she was a 6, but hell she was the only girl so add 2.

But that's besides the point, i decided instead to do 50lb kb squat presses...each set until dropping the kb's..then into lighter weight swings. About midway through my hamstrings were screaming, my knees were aching and my heart was racing. LOVE IT...gutted out two more sets then onto leg extensions for a rest before lunges. But damn I love squats...

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