To any, of the few loyal readers, I have a love hate affair with treadmills. They're handy when you're stuck in Wyoming in January, a bad part of Philly or really need a workout but you want to watch the game, so you suck it up. But sometimes its gorgeous out, sunny, warm and beautiful but yet you take the treadmill route....why? Because the view is amazing.
To your right you see what i got to run to Saturday, before the Yankees game at Camden Yard; the Yankees won with an A-Rod A-Bomb Grand Slam in the 8th to seal it 13-3. So while running at 3 in the afternoon for a 7:05 start i got to look out on the field from the 5th story of the Hilton Hotel.
So for once I can't really complain about my indoor run, I got to watch warm ups, a little BP and all before the Gates were open to the general public. After your run I recommend Pickles Pub right next door because the beer is cheap($3) and there is meat roasting on charcoal at the exit. So here's a stay for you random athletes who like baseball, and beer.
Treadmills were quality as well, but who cares about them on this post
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