Monday, March 4, 2013

Sequester Day 3

Traffic getting on base was epic. Traffic backup was a solid mile for the main gate and 1/2 mile for the others. Guess that's the sequester effect, long lines. We did learn something from the TSA afterall!

still no zombies or raving hordes of unemployed. Starting to get disappointed, maybe a snowstorm will fix it

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Sequester day 2

No zombies, or raging hordes of unemployed yet. But I do think they turned down the greenhouse gas machine because its gotten colder out the past few days...60's last weekend was solid.

Still no idea on what the end result is, but SNL had a good skit on it last night and both political parties are blaming the other. It's really like two bums pointing at the puddle of urine the other left next to your car. Both are blaming the other and forgetting that they're both still bums and both just owed on your car.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

So Sequestration has started... Day 1

Sequestration started and the Obama signed the cuts notice...I was prepared for roving hordes of unemployed, all 170,000,000 of them according to Maxine Waters  but instead all I got ravaging my neighborhood was a spotted black cat, digging in the garden. Thorough disappointment, I'm going to save my wooden stakes though because Zombie Hordes are just the word brains away from raving hordes of unemployed.

Since we've been sequestered i have a 20% pay cut to look forward too, guess that means I'm going to have to sell my government issue gold plated toilet, I mean I might have to downgrade to a regular heated toilet here. The HORROR.

Even though I'm sequestered I will rest assured knowing that we are still giving billions to the following countries and organizations, solely focused on making us safer.
DHS: $43,200,000,000 -> Enhanced patdowns!
Pakistan: $1,071,300,000 -> do they produce anything?
Egypt: $1,500,000,000 -> MORE PYRAMIDS!
Farmers to Not Farm: $2,000,000,000 -> the derp is strong

I think on day 2 of the sequester I will experiment with less cynicism and hopefully more zombies

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Gym Shorts wear point..

Another odd one in the blog repertoire for y'all. Where do your gym shorts wear? Is it the sides, the pockets, the strings, seams or crotch? I'm asking because the last two pairs I've had, have shredded right in the lower butt region.

You know, that region right behind the point where the seams come together, it might be that both were Adidas brand. Or that I walk and run funny. Maybe the shorts genie decided that I needed to have a humiliating tear as my shorts shred. I vote for the third option, but anyone have a clue? I need to get a new pair(or 3) and would like to avoid the crotch rip, and am hoping that I just don't walk to funny.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Recipe Time: Corned Beef and Hash (with duck eggs)

I love corned beef hash, to the point of irrational exuberance. No idea why, but I do. The problem with this love is that the canned stuff is horrible for you, and sometimes tastes like the dogfood it looks like. Being the enterprising individual I am, i decided to try and make it. I thought it was delicious so decided to share.


  • 1-2 lbs of corned beef, raw, size isn't really important, 
  • 1 Japanese Sweet Potato, they're usually pretty large
  • 1 medium Red Onion
  • 1 medium Yellow Sweet(i like Mayan Sweet) Onion
  • 1 Medium Red Pepper
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 2-3 tablespoons of butter
  • 1 Tablespoon Heavy Cream
  • Olive Oil
  • 2(or 4) Duck Eggs, you can use normal eggs if you want
  • Salt and Pepper
  • Paprika
To start, chop up the sweet potato into a rectangular shape about 1/4-1/2" at the thickest point. I have a helluva time cutting a raw potato so close enough works. Boil the chunks of potato for 5-6 minutes, basically enough to soften the taters up a bit and remove some of the starch. I usually just put the pot on heat, salt the water a bit and toss the chunks in and let it warm up together, laziness.

While the potato is cooking, chop up the corned beef, about 1/2" thick strips and then chop again to cube the beef. Using a cast iron skillet heat the skillet on medium with some olive oil. Toss the corned beef in, and then fill the skillet to the height of the corned beef with water. I then season a bit with salt/pepper and paprika and lower the temp to medium low.

If you're doing this in parallel, the potatoes shouldn't be done yet, so chop the onions up into small pieces and for good measure toss them into a food processor. Add the garlic to the food processor mix. Chop up the pepper into small chunks and put in a side bowl, pour the onion mixture from the processor into the same bowl.

By now the potato should be good, so pour them into a strainer and put to the side. 

The corned beef should be done as well by now. You can either pour the entire skilet into a second strainer or to avoid dirtying more stuff i just used a ladle with drain holes. Take the cooked corned beef and place the chunks into a food processor, and then pulse until the beef is ground. NOTE: if you like flaky corned beef, use whatever method available to make it flaky, a mandolin or knife works well. 

I then tossed the water from the corned beef skillet into the drain, and the used a paper towel to dry the inside. The drying was because i was going to use butter and oil and wanted to avoid any potential fires, small chance but I'm cautious. Take the butter and put it in the skillet, under a medium heat, drizzle some olive oil in the pot and when the butter has melted toss the potatoes into the skillet. Cook the potatoes alone for 3-4 minutes(or until the taters brown a bit) then toss in the onion, pepper and garlic mix. Cook for another 3-4 minutes and turn the heat up to medium high, then adding the corned beef.

Let it cook for 1-2 minutes then add the heavy cream, stirring the entire mixture together. Now this needs to cook for a little bit in order to cook out the water in the potatoes and corned beef, about 4-5 minutes. Stir the mix, then flatten the top and create 2 to 4 small holes, depending on how many eggs you have and put the raw egg into the holes that were created. 

Turn the heat down a bit, or use your best judgement, and cook until the egg whites are no longer clear and the yolk has been cooked to the consistency you like. Season with salt and pepper to taste and Enjoy!

Serves 3-4 for a lb and more if you have more corned beef.

Monday, December 31, 2012

Goal for this year

One and only goal this year...
TO Actually Run the New York City Marathon....hoping for no Hurricanes this year

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Looking for Runs

Anyone know of any good runs near West Point, NY? I'm going to be up there for a wedding this weekend and bet there are some killer runs up at the Academy. Anyone have any that they know of, or am I going hunting...which isn't bad either